Borgia 101: New Parent Orientation & Freshman Coalition Meeting (Parents and Guardians Only)

Wednesday, August 14, 6-8 PM
Borgia 101: School is in session! If you are a first-time parent at Borgia, or if it's been a while since you've had a student here, this is the course for you! Members of our school community will be here to teach you the ins and outs of SFBHS! If you are a parent new to Borgia, this is a great opportunity to learn what your child's school day will look like, how to navigate the tech tools you and your child will use, and learn some of the traditions unique to our school! Get important dates, learn from others' personal experiences, and put some faces to names!  

Freshman Coalition: All parents/guardians of freshman students should plan to attend the Freshman Coalition meeting. This presentation, led by West County Psychological Associates,  focuses on the dangers students can experience in high school (e.g., surrounding mental health, drugs and alcohol, and technology) and how to navigate them. Several high schools in the Archdiocese of St. Louis host Coalition presentations, and it’s great that we’re all getting the same messaging when it comes to helping our children.  