New Knights

List of 1 items.

  • Welcome to the Borgia Family!

You are joining a community rooted in faith, tradition, and academic excellence. We have much to be proud of and thankful for at Borgia, and we are excited to have you be a part of the tradition of excellence. We hope you take advantage of all the opportunities Borgia has to offer.

List of 1 items.

  • Summer Reading

    It's almost time for Summer Reading! Students will select ONE book from this list. While you may read as many as you like, and we hope you read more than one, please do not select more than one to submit. When we return in the fall, you will be assessed on your understanding of the work and participate in group discussions and activities to enhance your comprehension and appreciation of your selection.
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Are You Ready?!

List of 1 items.

  • New Families: Key Dates to Remember

    March 6 - Freshman Registration Night

List of 8 items.

  • Parent Meeting - Borgia Athletics

    There will be an informational parent meeting on Thursday, August 1, at 6:00 p.m. in our theater for at least one parent whose child will be participating in a sport in the 2024 - 2025 school year. Fall sports coaches may host their team parent meetings after the general meeting. 
  • Back-to-School Prep Days

    Students will be able to get their photo taken for the yearbook and school ID, get information about setting up their school email, and meet with a counselor if they have schedule issues. Students should plan on stopping at school on one of these days to get these items taken care of. 
    Monday, August 5 (10 - 11 a.m.) 
    Monday, August 12 (9 - 11 a.m.)

    For school photos, students should be clean-shaven and wear a nice top. No spaghetti straps or low-cut shirts should be worn. Young men should wear a shirt with a collar. Bottoms and shoes will not be visible in the photo.
  • First Day of Fall Sports

    Monday, August 12, 2024, marks the official first day of practice for fall athletes! If you are unsure of your practice times before the start of school, please reach out to your coach.

    Our full athletics calendar can be found here!
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  • Borgia 101: New Parent Orientation & Freshman Coalition Meeting (Parents and Guardians Only)

    Wednesday, August 14, 6-8 PM
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  • Freshman Orientation (Mandatory)

    Beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, August 16, freshmen will go to each class to familiarize themselves with the school and their teachers. Lunch will be provided, and students can dress down. Students will dismiss at 1:00 p.m.
  • Luke 18 Retreat (Mandatory)

    The Luke 18 Retreat will begin right after the Freshman Orientation lunch on Friday, August 16, and will end on Saturday, August 17, with Mass being celebrated at 7 PM in the main gym at Borgia. All families are encouraged to attend Mass with their children. Be on the lookout for more Luke 18 Retreat info this summer.

  • First Days of School for All Students

    The first day of school for all students is Monday, August 19. The first two days of school (August 19 & August 20) will be 12:00 PM dismissals.
  • Back-to-School Night

    Join us on Thursday, September 5, 2024, from 6 - 8 PM for Back-to-School Night! This evening provides parents/guardians with a chance to walk through their child’s schedule, meet faculty members, and learn more about what your child will do in each of his/her classes.  
School Uniforms
We have updated our uniform shirts and uniform outerwear! With rebranding comes many changes, including our uniform logo. All uniforms with the old "SFBRHS" logo will be grandfathered in for current students. Incoming freshmen (and current students who wish to do so) should order uniform tops with our new logo.

If you need to schedule a fitting for skorts or wish to order online, visit Just Me Apparel online here. We also have a supply of new and used skorts for sale at school. Please contact us (636) 239-7871 for more information.

Order forms for school polos and sweatshirts are located in our main office or can be viewed on this page. You can also order items online via our vendor's website here.

Complete information on what is expected of the school uniform for girls and boys can be found on pages 21 - 22 of the Student and Parent Handbook.
Required Health Forms
Please complete your Physical Evaluation Form before the start of the new school year. ALL incoming freshmen and transfer students must complete these steps. In addition, the athletic and activities registration and physical must be completed before a student can participate in any sport, marching band, or auxiliary. Create your account, select your activities, and upload your documents on the new platform here.

If your child is an incoming freshman or transfer student, we will need a paper copy of their physical form. You can drop it off at school during the Back-to-School Prep Days or any other time the office is open.

If your child will be participating in a sport/activity or marching band, you will need to register them online through RSchoolToday. The instructions to register online can be found here.
Campus Food Service
Our school cafeteria is serviced by Food Service Consultants. Students will receive a meal card to use for transactions. FSC uses an online payment system that allows parents to make deposits to their child's meal account online. Parents can also check balances, review transaction history, and receive low-balance alerts. Parents may choose to make deposits with a check instead. Checks should be made out to Food Service Consultants and can be sent to school with their child or dropped off at the main office. 
Christian Service
If you are an incoming freshman and have started accruing Christian service hours, great! You will be able to start using our logging app after we get you set up in the system this August. Until then, you may keep track of any qualifying hours on a sheet of paper, and we will help you enter them during orientation. For more information, please visit our Christian Service page!